
Sample Characters

Here are some sample characters to serve as inspiration! Note that these characters will not be part of the game. For more information on how to create a character, see Character Creation.

What is your character’s name?

Dahl Finn

What are you character’s pronouns?


Is your character a transfer or a local?


Where are you coming from?

I’ve lived my whole life in a small seaside town. The town is quite isolated from the rest of society, but I liked it that way. I lived alone in a small house not far from the beach and ran an ice-cream van for a living.

Who have you left behind?

I left both of my cats! It’s ok though, as I’m sure my neighbour will be able to take care of them. I miss the customers who used to come to my ice-cream van every day – they were what got me up in the morning and kept me smiling. What’s good is there are lots of new people in Anchor Rock – I just hope that they like ice cream (or not -– secretly I hope they hate it)!

What are you good at?

Anything ice-cream related, I’m your man. If you want a simple vanilla cone with a flake, or a more complicated combination of coconut and banana, I’ll have no problem getting what you need. I’m also good at classifying marine life – when not on the ice-cream van, I would take long walks along the beach, identifying and researching everything I came across.

What quirks have you chosen for your character?

Playstyle Quirks:

  • Make Me Cry
  • Romance Me

Gameplay Quirks:

  • Secret (-) (Dahl secretly hates ice cream! She is embarrassed to be the ice cream seller who hates ice cream, so as a result, he hides this fact and pretends to love it).
  • Observant (+) (Dahl has spent a long time looking out for sealife on the beach, and as such has become very observant)
  • Expert (+) (Dahl makes really good ice cream!)

Private Bio

Dahl had lived his whole life in the small seaside town of Harbourview. As mundane as her life was, Dahl was happy – living alone with his two cats Puffer and Fish, life was simple. When Dahl’s father died she took over the family ice cream business with open arms… or so it seemed. The problem was, Dahl hated ice cream. It was too sweet, sticky… and that’s without brain freeze! And then, he appeared in Anchor Rock. The unfamiliar sights and lack of coast made her extremely anxious at first – the sea was his comfort and now it was gone! Without his cats and his ice cream van, she felt hopeless, empty even, but then she realised… could this be an opportunity to live a new life? To find someone special who isn’t a cat or a customer? To live a life without ice cream?

Public Bio

Dahl is a friendly-looking transfer from a small seaside town who owned an ice-cream van. He is fairly tall, well-kept and is always wearing a pink polo shirt. If you pass her on the street, you’ll probably hear him talking about the sea or offering someone an ice cream.

What is your character’s name?

Stella Fox

What are you character’s pronouns?


Is your character a transfer or a local?


Where in Anchor Rock feels most like home to you? The library! I love to learn, and the best place to do that is in the library. I’ve read every book in the library and used the computer as much as I can. Even then, I feel at this point that I’ve used up everything Anchor Rock has to offer, and I’m unhappy here.

Who has you left behind?

My twin sister, Sarah. I am totally lost without her – we were always a pair! Sarah helped me to get along with the locals, without her I’m going to really struggle to see eye-to-eye with them. Then again, without her I might be able to mend those relationships rather than just hiding behind my sister…

What are you good at?

Problem solving. After all the reading I’ve done, I’ve learned loads, and as such any complex problem is easy to solve now. Then again, I’m not very good at physical activities – my skillset is in solving logistical difficulties rather than helping Mr Bloom lift a garden bench.

What quirks have you chosen for your character?

Playstyle Quirks:

  • Dreamer
  • Romance Me

Gameplay Quirks:

  • Reputation (-) (Stella has always questioned the ways of Anchor Rock, which the locals don’t like)
  • Tight-Lipped (+) (Stella dislikes the amount of gossip in Anchor Rock so actively avoids it)

Private Bio

Stella was born and grew up on the outskirts of Anchor Rock, an identical twin to Sarah. When the twins were 12, they moved from the outskirts to live with their uncle closer to the Town Centre, and Stella discovered the library. Stella immediately had a love for learning and began to try learning everything she could. As a result, she began questioning the community. Things are done inefficiently in Anchor Rock – and Stella wanted to fix that. The problem is, Mr Bloom didn’t like being told that he could selectively breed his courgettes, Truck Guy didn’t like being told that trucks are bad for the environment, and Gerald didn’t like that Stella knew more about flowers than he did! As a result, people started to gossip about Stella, and she hated it. From that point on, Stella swore never to gossip – she wouldn’t be part of the thing that destroyed her reputation.

At the same time, Sarah became the perfect local in Anchor Rock, and as a result, Stella began to hide behind her. People tolerated Stella if Sarah was around, and that was good. Stella was quite content with that. Until she woke up one morning and Sarah was gone.

Public Bio

A quiet young adult local who is disliked in the general population of Anchor Rock for questioning its ideals. She always has her hair back in a bun and avoids contact with others where possible, especially since her twin sister Sarah is nowhere to be seen.

  • gm/sample_characters.txt
  • Last modified: 6 months ago
  • by gm_heather