Florian Sinclair


Florian Sinclair had never wanted to leave Anchor Rock. Ever the eldest; ever the sensible one. Her friends relied on her, her town needed her, and besides, it was home. Where else would she want to go? He had been a mentor, a provider, a shoulder during hard times, even as the rest of those her own age still living in that little secluded town had moved on to greener fields. The trees had been green enough for him. Still, had he really known those friends as friends ought to? He had thought so once.

Things are different now. He looks out wistfully over the lake from the studio balcony, the water glowing orange under the evening sky, as the sounds of Christine and Odette’s laughter carry through the open window, before returning to her careful carving of the lid of a small wooden box. Every part of it is hand made, and though she had known her vision deserved more of a painter’s hand, this was an art piece she had been determined to create herself. Now, it is nearly complete, and the design just needs the final touches.

A starry night sky is visible through brief gaps between the pines overhead; a forest path winds between the shadows and moonbeams; a pair of silhouettes, hand in hand, take it all in as if it were their first time together. It is beautiful. She hopes the memory will make it all the moreso for its intended recipient, currently hosting their guests inside. The woman who gave him the dreams of adventure that he followed with her so far from home; the one who made her question what she wanted; the one who brought her so much joy.

Satisfied at last, Flo opens the box and gazes at the contents with a hopeful smile. The padded black velvet inside holds gently in its niche a delicate gold ring, set with a diamond surrounded by four smaller such stones. She knows what Jenny’s answer will be, but even so there’s a thrill of anticipation already growing in her chest. Their lives have changed so much; they have each other to thank for it, and a future together to look forward to.

He closes the box once more and stows it. The sunset bathes the land in warm tones even as he turns to join his friends and partner inside. She knows they will be glad to see her, that they will want her to be there. That’s the real difference that makes a relationship matter, she has found.

Florian had never wanted to leave Anchor Rock. But doing so was the best decision he has ever made. As fulfilling as it can be to be needed, now she knows that she is wanted. And that is all she could ever ask for.

By Gareth M.