====== Nora Teredo ====== Thank you again for taking a look at the second half of Eternity for Nora Teredo. Part of me wonders what brings you here, given the fact that she’s no longer present, now absent of a voice through which to speak. Is it curiosity? Longing? A chance, maybe a faint glimmer of hope, that you’ll read these words and remember her again? All of these and more are certainly valid reasons to peruse this one eternity in particular, out of approximately thirty others. Though generally, I’m not certain if I’m wrong for saying that you come here looking for answers to that desire you’re experiencing now, anticipating some kind of satisfying payoff that will make you feel better inside until you decide to leave this page (and perhaps, most definitely, move on to another eternity, though you are certainly free to prove me wrong.) This eternity, like most other eternities throughout the span of this society, is. Its tangibility is present and definable, something you’re reading now with your eyes. You know that upon whatever screen you are viewing these words on are (decidedly) the contents of this eternity in particular, the one dedicated to Nora Teredo. There! Did I do it again? Can you feel anything different as a result of the impact I’ve just now made upon your memory? If not, I suggest you try again, from the top, or browse an alternate eternity, maybe one that resides in another game, where you have belonged. Please know, however, that my advice only exists to be broken. You’re dying to get somewhere, anywhere, closer and closer to the truth of what’s happened, what’s really happened to Nora Teredo. And do you know what I believe? I believe that you already have. This page is a placeholder, a historical landmark, that the character mentioned above for the past three times now has existed, embodied within a physical space, and spoken as if she were there, in the room, alongside the other characters mentioned through their own eternities within this website. If you see her name brought up again, please don’t be alarmed; that only serves as a mnemonic cast of her presence, that she was there, too, even beyond the bounds of this page. Under given jurisdiction (or desire, for the conversation will often mandate or offer such an impulse), she is everywhere now. And upon many appearances to the contrary, summoning her again is easy to do. Go on. What’s her name? Good. Now say (or think) it again. And there she was. But now you’re off looking for someone else. Aren’t you? //By Dakota H.//