====== Mitch MacIntyre ====== ==== Watching the Ducks ==== Mitch sits by the pond. He’s watching the ducklings. Every few seconds, the soft twang of guitar to his side gives way to a chorus of swears from Luke. He’s composing a love song for his latest girlfriend but the tune just isn’t quite right. To him, anyway. Mitch thinks it sounds just fine, and the ducklings don’t mind the occasional false note. “I liked the last one,” Mitch offers, as Luke starts to fiddle with the guitar pegs once more. “That’s because I stole it from one of the old man’s albums.” A guitar string snaps and Luke slowly lowers his weapon with an expression of defeat. “I don’t know why I bother. She’s leaving anyway. Off to college.” “Why does that matter?” “Because that’s the end of it. She’ll go off to the city, meet some handsome celebrity’s son and disappear. That’s how these things go.” “Oh. Sorry.” “Nothing to be sorry about. Plenty of ducks in the pond, Mitch.” Luke reaches out a hand and pulls Mitch to his feet. “Woah, nice grip. And is that a stache-in-progress I see?” Mitch touches their face, smiles. “I was thinking tonight we could -- ” Luke’s lighting a cigarette. “Can’t, bud. Romilly’s got a house party tonight.” Mitch nods. He’ll have to find someone else to bother for a couple of hours. “Hey, Lukey?” Luke looks back. “Yeah, Mitch?” “You aren’t gonna leave, are you?” Mitch doesn’t catch the sadness that flashes across his brother’s eyes, only sees the smile that covers it up. “Nah, Mitch. Reckon I’ll be in Anchor Rock just about forever.” ---- Mitch is sitting by the pond. He’s watching the ducks as they circle one another. The sun is high in the sky, the heat oppressive. The suit they wear is stifling, the tie too tight around their neck. “Thought I’d find you here,” is all Cobb can think to say. Mitch looks back at the square silhouette standing over him. “Sorry. The funeral was loud.” “Yeah, it was.” Cobb sits down. There’s no sign of tears on his face, but there’s a weight to his movements that Mitch hasn’t seen before. “This where you and Lukey used to sit?” Mitch nods. They stay there in silence for a while, before Cobb speaks. “I saw the acceptance letter in the hall. I know it’s come at a bad time, but I’m proud of you, Mitch. I think he would - ” “Don’t,” Mitch snaps, with a sharpness to his tone that surprises even himself. “Sorry, dad.” “It’s fine,” Cobb whispers. “I’ll shut up.” The air feels heavier now. “We should get back,” Mitch suggests. “People will talk if we’re not there.” “Let them,” Cobb says. “You don’t need to be thinking about anyone else right now.” “It’s okay. I’m ready,” Mitch lies. “Let’s go back.” Cobb stares at Mitch, sees more than Mitch knows. “You know, I found some more of Dell’s tools lying around earlier. It would be a big help if you could stay here and make sure the ducks stay out of trouble.” Mitch nods. “I -- I could do that.” ---- Mitch sits on the bench in Clyde Park, watching the ducks overhead, flying north. There’s a breeze in the air and Felix is holding their hand tight. “What are you thinking about?” Felix asks, the softness in his tone telling Mitch he doesn’t have to answer. He tries. “These last few weeks have been…” “Too much?” A hint of concern in Felix’s voice. “No. Just… It’s new. It’s different.” Mitch smiles. “But I think I like it.” Felix smiles wide. “How’s enrollment going?” “Good. I’m just waiting on my dad to send over some of my old school records. He sounded happy on the phone.” Mitch almost holds himself back, then says it anyway. “I didn’t think he’d be happy.” Felix lightly strums his bass. “It’s probably because you sound happy.” “So do you.” The silence is warm. Mitch wishes they could bottle it up and save it for later. He says so. Felix laughs. They kiss. An hour passes. Two. Three. “It’s getting dark,” Felix finally says. “We should head back.” “Can we come back tomorrow?” Felix shrugs. “Your call.” Mitch blinks. “My call?” That earns a giggle. “That’s what I said.” Their hands connect. “Tomorrow then.” Felix hums as they walk back, a new song on his lips. Mitch thinks it sounds just fine. //By George S.//