====== Getting the Gossip ====== “Oh //honey//, it’s so good to have you back! It feels like just yesterday that you left on the train, but //so// much has happened! The town hasn’t been the same without you, really. And I’m not just saying that, I mean it. I know you can’t stay long -- places to be, people to see and all that -- but come in, let me get you caught up on all the latest news. “Things are different now, oh, sure they are, but they’re not //different// than they were, y’know? I mean, Anchor Rock is still Anchor Rock. Ambrose is still playing chess in the square, Ellory still brings the train in every week, Sam’s carrot cake is getting better, but it’s still Oleman’s recipe at heart, so… Well, speaking of Oleman -- you’ll //never// believe this -- he and Ah-Gong Tsai managed to trick Tyler into leaving town for a whole week by asking him to fetch something off the train right as it was about to pull out of the station! What a week that was… just like old times, honestly. “Oh, I know I’m rambling again. I was supposed to be telling you about how things have changed, the hottest gossip going around! Hal’s been doing great with the goats -- I mean, Greg’s been resigned to the wilderness, but he only barely tolerated Elowyn and won’t listen to anyone else, so it’s not //that// much of a surprise. Birch was pretty upset when Greg got into the fields though, absolutely mangled a patch of cabbages -- and they were so proud of them too! I think I saw Saf the other day helping bring in a new collection of books for the library -- the rest of the world has //finally// caught up with us in recognizing Irwin’s poetic genius, but he’s made sure we get all the best editions from the fancy publishing house. “--and it wasn’t even a hassle or anything! That new communications plan from Nella and Renn has come in handy more times than any of us could’ve guessed -- ok, //maybe// Quinn’s been badgering us about it for years, but they can hardly complain now that we’ve ended up with that fibre-optic cable thing. Still not a clue where it came from, but… I have my theories. Anyways, between that and the shared bike -- oh, I’ve gotta ask Alina to tune up the brakes again -- Anchor Rock is the most connected it’s ever been. Chris said on the radio the other day that it’s hit the point where people from //all over// know the name of our little town, can you believe it? “But really, everything’s the same shape it’s always been. It’s just the little things that have changed, the people. You know how it is, of course you do. Rider’s still painting in the quarry, but Faolán is out there writing with him just about every night. Nix has started giving piano lessons to Jameela -- O.J.’s little girl, //such// a sweetheart, taking after her dad with tools and things -- when they’re not arranging music for Cut Loose. And Sam’s still trying to push carrot cake onto anyone who looks susceptible -- don’t let vim trick you, though, even the new recipe is //still// missing half the key ingredients of any decent cake, even if it is better than it was. “And how could I forget -- honey, I can’t believe you missed the //event of the year// by just a couple weeks. I know what you’re thinking, and yes, they //finally// did it! Mr. Bloom and Gerald have become Misters Edgar and Gerald Rosebloom! The ceremony was just gorgeous -- Leo planned the whole thing, you know, and Renn and Nella officiated together. Priscilla and Oleman looked just lovely walking as maid of honour and best man, and I don’t think you could find a better flower girl than Pinter or a more stylish ring bear than John Dory anywhere in the world! I’m still finding courgette flower petals everywhere from the bouquets, but really, it wouldn’t be a Rosebloom wedding without the blossoms of Plump Pris -- yes, that’s the new Big Bertha. Mhmm, you heard right. Yep, that’s what I said too. “So yeah, Anchor Rock is still Anchor Rock. Always has been, always will be. But it hasn’t been the same without you, or Erin, or Frobenius, or any of the others that come by for reunions. And it’s always so good to see you, hear what you’ve been up to. Now come on in, honey -- I’ve got some of Jason’s banana bread left from last time he came by, and it’s got your name on it. It’s good to have you home again.