====== Elowyn Sage ====== ;#; **hronrad (whale-road)** ;#; ;#; //treowe anhealdaþ// \\ written upon old pages. ;#; ;#; child, hearken to the mountain-call \\ (for the beyond-worlds is //ciegende;// \\ it is //cealliende, gehatende, galende//), \\ and trade a crown of flowers for a crown of stars. ;#; ;#; for singing pastures change not, nor does the guiding staff \\ and there are still flowers of a kind in the sky-field; one //lædende// and //læded// is always all ways: \\ whale-tree, pine forest, sea-roots, dark-storm; bright eternity. ;#; ;#; starry cloaked and weaving time tapestries \\ moonlight and elm tree on world-back \\ intoning the //folcisc// which sings only \\ //modsefamodsefamodsefamodsefa// ;#; ;#; //geond lagulade steorrena;// \\ //ofer hronrade.// ;#; ---- ==== Glossary ==== The senses in which the Old English words are used: //treowe anhealdaþ//: (we/they) keep/hold the promise/truth/tree\\ //ciegende//: naming, calling, summoning\\ //cealliende//: calling, shouting, crying out\\ //gehatende//: promising, vowing, summoning\\ //galende//: singing, enchanting\\ //lædende//: guiding, carrying, bringing, leading\\ //læded//: guided, carried, brought, led\\ //folcisc//: common language, vernacular\\ //modsefa//: mind, heart, soul, spirit, inner thought\\ //geond lagulade steorrena//: over the water-ways of stars\\ //ofer hronrade//: over the whale-road\\ //By Ameal W.//